How FXCubic’s Unique Liquidity Engine Can Help Your Brokerage Achieve Better Results

Forex & CFD trading has become extremely competitive over the last few years. In order for your brokerage to stay competitive, you need to take advantage of the right tools and services.
Enter FXCubic, which has been helping brokers get ahead of the competition while conducting their businesses with ease. With more than 20 years of experience in the FinTech industry and a focus on extremely low-latency bridging software, FXCubic team knows what businesses need and is able to meet their requirements. FXCubic Liquidity Engine is a sophisticated ultra-low latency price and trade processor for the MetaTrader platform and FIX API, and is currently integrated to most industry-leading liquidity providers.
Below are some unique features of the FXCubic Liquidity Engine that makes it stand out from the crowd.
Execution Customisation
All trading instruments and every customer profile in a broker’s portfolio have their own dynamics, not to mention their individual unique needs and requirements. FXCubic’s extremely customisable software can easily be configured to meet the needs of brokers and traders, which is one of the prominent features of the FXCubic Liquidity Engine. No other liquidity technology offers the level of customization and flexibility that FXCubic provides.
Brokers can create their own liquidity through the FXCubic Web GUI, configure extremely detailed pricing and order routing customisations. Since fast reaction speeds are essential in today’s financial markets, all configurations do not require a software restart in order to take effect.
In addition, all customisation can be scheduled to automatically activate or deactivate depending on the time of the day or data moments.
Data Privacy
At FXCubic, we take the protection of your financial and personal data seriously. As a result, we ensure full privacy for all our clients. Client data is not accessible by FXCubic unless clients specifically grant us access to their servers.
The FXCubic Liquidity Engine allows brokers to form a direct and private connection to their liquidity providers (LPs), by hosting the entire FXCubic system on the private server of each client.
Liquidity Aggregation
FXCubic offers sophisticated aggregation algorithms based on individual provider market depth and parallel multi-provider order execution. VWAP market depth aggregation and order routing are available for both A and B book type executions.
Creating Synthetic Instruments
Brokers can create synthetic instruments that are unavailable from their LPs. Both A and B Book execution is available on synthetic instruments, and Order amounts that are not possible to send to LPs are collected on FXCubic as residual positions. Accumulated residual positions can be hedged at the LPs automatically once they reach the minimum trading size.
Increase Brokerage Profits
FXCubic software includes protected fixed spread settings, greatly flexible slippage rules, B-Book execution protection, and scalper detection features. These help brokers increase their profits, limit losses and increase the efficiency of the brokerage.
Risk Management
Using a unified interface, brokers can monitor A and B Book positions on platform accounts, and trade directly from these accounts to hedge or move positions between liquidity providers.
Trade Platform Integration
The FXCubic Liquidity Engine is natively integrated with the most commonly used trading platforms MetaTrader 4 and 5. Our MT4 plugin and MT5 gateway are extremely lightweight, yet powerful and high performing. FXCubic can detect volatile market moments that create bottlenecks on MetaTrader systems, and automatically adjust quote update speeds in order to avoid pricing delays.
FXCubic is the perfect partner to help you get the best out of your brokerage. Contact us for more information on the FXCubic Liquidity Engine and how we can work together to transform your business.